Sunday, February 12, 2012

Marjane Satrapi

Marjane Satrapi. What a great artist.

When I first went to see Persepolis with my daughter, who at the time was about eleven or twelve, I knew I had made the right decision. I at first thought it may not appeal to her sensibilities, but I knew that she had read Art Spiegelman's Maus series, and I thought she was mature enough as a thinker to absorb Satrai's film adaptation  of her book. I was right. It was a thinker's film, and she is a thinker.

From the beginning of the film Persepolis, I could tell that the graphics would follow the style of the books, and it not only followed the style well, it was actually effective aesthetically and visually engaging. Satrapi's autobiography followed her from war torn Iran to artist/writer in France. It is a great story.

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